Rand Paul wants to take America back
Wednesday November 03rd 2010, 10:38 pm

The only question is- just how far back?

Paul doesn’t think there should be federally mandated mine safety laws, in a state where coal miners tend to die a lot. Paul doesn’t think much of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act, so at least, he’d like to go back to 1977.

Paul is opposed to abortion, even in cases of rape and incest. Paul would like to see Roe v. Wade repealed, rolling reproductive freedom back to 1973.

Paul thinks a business owner should be able to serve only whitefolk if he so chooses. If Paul had his way, there’d be no Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Paul’s no fan of trade unions. He’d much prefer the time in the USA when labor unionism was illegal, as when Commonwealth vs. Pullis established that labor unions were unlawful, criminal conspiracies. The year? 1806.

Wait til Kentuckians get the government they’ve voted for. They’ll kinda wish they’d been curbstomped.


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