Stephen Sutton – accused drug mule in Argentina
Sunday September 04th 2005, 3:14 pm

SuttonStephen Sutton was arrested in September 2003 in Argentina and charged with drug trafficking. Sutton was diagnosed with a brain tumour at age 15 and had surgery to remove the mass. He is known as a simple and caring man, always concerned for the feelings of those around him. Stephen may have been victimised due to his uncomplicated nature.

Sutton was working in a Sydney factory when he met a young woman from Peru. His family found out some months later that he had travelled to Peru and was living with the person he met in Sydney and her family. At some point, Sutton was asked to carry a quantity of "gold" from Peru to Argentina. He was threatened with his own death and also that of his family in Australia if he did not comply.

Sutton’s family have encountered great difficulty in getting DFAT to establish contacts with Stephen and provide appropriate consular support.  

As an assistance to Stephen’s family, I have constructed a website which includes all the known details of Stephen’s story. For you web nerds, you’ll be interested to see an application of WordPress as a content manager for a ‘static content’ type website. The family are easily able to add to the site as needed given that WordPress makes creating a new page as simple as sending an email.

FPSS blacks out Sutton's faceAn interesting side story pops up from this situation regarding Kay Danes of ‘Foreign Prisoner Support Service.’ Apparently, Danes and Stephen’s family have had a disagreement. Danes’ incredibly mature response was to put a black square over Stephen’s picture as FPSS list it on their website. Danes will delete the Sutton pages soon, so here’s a screenshot of what the defacement of Sutton’s pic looked like when FPSS were displaying it. You can see how Danes values the prisoners she supports as opposed to her own notoriety. Yep, just the kind of person I want helping my relative in a foreign prison…


14 Comments so far
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Thanks for setting this site up Weez – such a sad story.

Comment by Ben 09.05.05 @ 11:39 am

’tis, Ben. Would like to see DFAT get up and give the family more information.

Comment by weezil 09.05.05 @ 2:32 pm

Hi weez,
It is disgusting what FPSS has done to my brother’s face. I cannot understand why. If it is because DFAT have said he doesn’t want any publicity, well that no longer is true. I sent them the email I had from Stephen via a friend in Argetina saying that he wanted it put back on the 6 th August, when they told the reason for the long sentence.

Comment by Ann 09.06.05 @ 9:20 am

Ann, I hope the website is helpful in introducing this matter for discussion and hopefully action by DFAT. Perhaps FPSS can begin to live up to its much vaunted code of ethics, as well.



Comment by weezil 09.06.05 @ 9:47 am

Hi Weez

Thanks for all the work you have put into the website and still are putting in. You know my feelings on FPSS. I have written to them with my grave concerns for some of the information and advice they give to families, but as usual they have not bothered to reply. I am glad I stopped working with them sooner rather than later. There seems to be a lot of self-gratification. Let’s hope Stephens website can provide some information and advice to Australian families with loved ones overseas.


Comment by Kate Gibbons 09.07.05 @ 10:56 pm

Thanks, Kate. The ego wars do little good for the prisoners or their families. I’m frankly a good bit more interested in why DFAT haven’t managed to get a proper medical report on Sutton despite three years passing.



Comment by weezil 09.08.05 @ 10:55 pm

Is there any feeling that Stephen has been used as a kind of fall guy in the AFP bust of the “sophisticated drug smuggling syndicate”? After reading the website you have made I did some searching, and found a few articls from 2003 detaling the drug bust. If it is a big crime syndicate then stephen, especially if he has some learning difficulties etc because of the tumours, grief, doesnt seem like a typical drug lord or even courier. it feels like he has been sacrificed knowingly by the AFP in theior greater game plan (bali 9 stylee). Are the other people who were arrested in Sydney in prison for similar lengths of time? also, has Stephen applied for extradition as some of the early AFP etc press releases indicated?

NZ Herald
Federal Attorney General – press release

Comment by jane 10.31.05 @ 6:33 am

Hi jane, all your questions are probably best asked of Stephen’s sister, Ann Cluse. She’s available on but she’s had some probs with her email of late. Let me know if you can’t contact her.

Comment by weezil 10.31.05 @ 6:41 am

Came across this site by accident after searching on more news of stephen sutton. Hope the item on ABC 7.30 report will assist in bringing this to public attention.

Comment by Morgan 11.13.05 @ 11:56 pm

thankyou for everything that all the people have done for me. Stephen Sutton, i was freed 20 Nov 2008.

Comment by stephen sutton 04.10.10 @ 6:24 pm

Most excellent news, Stephen, hope you’re home and happy. 🙂

Comment by weez 04.11.10 @ 4:08 am

good to see your well and life is good stephen, love to mum..
regards..phill and crew from fairbloodydinkum.

Comment by phill 04.13.10 @ 1:51 pm

Hi Steven, Just watched your story on banged up abroad, im so glad that you are out now you seem such a lovely guy. I hope the future brings you love and happiness xxx

Comment by Emma 12.06.11 @ 11:49 am

Hi not sure if you still monitor this post stephen but if you do please email me. I’d love to know how your doing these days. U helped me so much in a horrid situation even tho u were struggling to. A true friend that I’d love to reconnect with.

Comment by Chris Burrows 12.26.19 @ 10:58 pm

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