Atlas had a tough gig. This thought is not lost on John Howard and his flying monkeys.
With a despot for a Prime Minister since 1996, and now with the Lieberals having a bully majority in the Senate, Australian bloggers are hardly starved for choice when it comes to considering which government evil to write about next. One could write several entries a day and still none could not begin to fully address the fact that Australia is truly on the road to hell– with no time allotted for debate.
And Ruddock is STILL wearing that Amnesty International pin.
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Julian Birnside Q.C, Scott Parkins’ lawyer,spoke on Terry Lanes’,in ‘The National Interest’,today.
Mr B , suggesteted that we on the virge of a “totalitarinism”. Will not be available on pods quickly, but well worth a listen.
See,and hope it works,
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