How to be a young Muslim in a climate of fear
Wednesday December 14th 2005, 11:20 am

image: ABC Radio National
I really do love my ABC Radio National.

The best RN program of the week is a Background Briefing story about how young Muslims are integrating their faith into growing up in Australia. (audio: Real Win MP3)

Australians are living in a climate of fear, uncertainty and doubt about young Muslims. This has been fuelled not only by cheap opportunists like Alan Jones, but by official Australian Government policy. When the government treats asylum seekers like radioactive waste, to be kept away from the rest of Australia at all costs, the value of all Australians is diminished.

There is strength in diversity. The fire of fear of the unknown, being stoked by Howard for short term political benefit, is nothing but destructive, as if the weekend’s beach riots weren’t a big enough heads-up for Australia at large.

Don’t miss this particularly insightful edition of Background Briefing. 


5 Comments so far
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It was a great show. One of the better ones of recent times, and very timely. No doubt it will be ignored by wingnuts, who prefer their intifada illusions.

Comment by David Heidelberg 12.14.05 @ 11:22 am

Thanks for that, David.

A comment by one of the youths in this program was particularly striking for me. This young fellow said Islam teaches that if a public law of a particular society does not breach the tenets of Islam, it is to be respected as though it is God’s own law.

I can only hope that we can get some of the young people in this program to speak at the rally this Sunday, but I think this group interviewed for the program live mainly in Melbourne.

Comment by weezil 12.14.05 @ 11:29 am

I finally got a chance to listen to the program and thoroughly enjoyed it.
I was particularly drawn to the comment – if you get 3 young muslims in a room you’ll have 4 different opinions. 🙂

Comment by suki 12.16.05 @ 2:50 pm

I’ve been waxing and waning on Background Briefing of late (I can’t stand the new-ish host) but that was a great ep. It gave a great sense of the diversity that exists amongst people who identify as Muslim (as would be the case for all other religions). Thanks for the heads up!

Comment by Ben 12.17.05 @ 2:52 pm

Happy to, Ben. This one was both factual and timely. The interview subjects made this one shine.

Comment by weezil 12.17.05 @ 3:36 pm

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