Not just xenophobia – forced deportation!
Monday January 09th 2006, 3:49 pm


Australia First, an anti-immigration, anti-multiculturalism, extremist political party, was deregistered by the Australian Electoral Commission in 2004 after failing to stand a candidate in 4 years.

Jim Saleam, notorious white separatist and neo-nazi, is the Australia First party secretary for NSW. Saleam has indicated that Australia First intends to find 500 supporters willing to register as party members for the purposes of re-registration of the party with the AEC. Don’t miss this particularly well reasearched and detailed history of Jim Saleam and Australia First by @ndy.

Australia First and affiliates like the Patriotic Youth League were at the Cronulla riots on 11 December 2005, handing out racist pamphlets and beer to the already drunken yobs who were trashing everything in sight, including brown people. Australia First now claims that they are ‘convenient scapegoats‘ as ASIO investigates the riots. nazi skinheads at Kirribilli House (image: FightDemBack/Darp Hau)Meanwhile, Australia First Party President Diane Teasdale sees no nazis in the ranks…

What I’m still trying to work out is why Saleam, who is of Arabic heritage himself, wants non-whites thrown out of Australia. Where on earth would he go? More to the point- who on earth could we possibly get to take him?

Besides, after deporting our very own citizens, DIMIA very likely has a desk waiting for Jimbo…

Jim, shaddap and eat your tabouli.  


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I always enjoyed the impunity of the right wing refrain, “If you don’t like it here, go back to where you came from.” So resolute, so transcendent of any and all material realities it appeared.

And yet, and yet, it still (apparently) needs translation. “If you don’t like it here…… go back where? live where?….” not all parts of the earth are fit for decent human habitation — and that is partly because the world is a GLOBAL community, where what happens politically in Australia can affect events as far away as …I dunno… Africa?

So, in effect, the glorious right wing refrain echos the views entailed in Howard’s Pacific Solution. Namely, “If you don’t like it here, go and live AT THE BOTTOM OF THE OCEAN WITH NEPTUNE.”

I’m facetious of course — But ask yourself, why was “children overboard” such a credible scenario?

[It echoed the right wing “either-or” refrain, like it was material reality!]

Comment by Jennifer 01.12.06 @ 10:07 pm

Jennifer, I’ll never believe that SIEV-X wasn’t seen in Australian waters by our border patrolling aircraft. 350 potential immigrants hanging out with old King Neppie. How convenient.

Comment by weezil 01.13.06 @ 9:11 pm

[…]   Australia Day 2006 at Cronulla Beach was peaceful despite neo-nazi Jamahl "Jim" Saleam’s ‘Australia First‘ party trying desperately to stir up violence and racial hatred among the locals of Sutherland Shire. Hilariously, Saleam is working overtime trying to whitewash his own Arabic heritage, up to and including telling ABC Radio News to pronounce his surname ‘SAY-lem’ instead of ’suh-LEEM.’ […]

Pingback by mgk: Machine Gun Keyboard 01.27.06 @ 7:45 am

[…] Leave it to desperate politicians to play the racism card when they can’t otherwise justify their actions. I thought Vale was a member of the Liberal Party, not Australia First… but there you go. […]

Pingback by mgk: Machine Gun Keyboard 02.14.06 @ 9:47 am

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