Uppity woman counts coup on anti-choice biblethumper
Friday January 13th 2006, 10:46 am


image: Lalo Alcaraz, cartoonista.com 

Marcel White just can’t get enough of being wrong.

White commented on one of Suki’s posts about RU486:

…there is a difference between a woman’s body, and her autonomy over it, and the body of the seperate (sic) human being she has inside her. 

Is there, now? Apparently White can’t tell the difference between embryos, zygotes and foetii- all which are attached to the woman’s circulatory system- and babies, which live independently of a mother’s body.

Suki put him straight:


You should provide me with a postal address so that I can collect all my used tampons and post them to you with a microscope.

You might just save a baby that has detached from my uterine wall.

COD ok?

SMACKED with the clue stick.


11 Comments so far
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hahaha! hilarious.

There is also a difference between “myself” on a personal level and the identity which I sell to an employer in order to make myself some dough.

So, in a similar vein, I suppose I’d better give up on having a personal self, under my own possession.

Comment by Jennifer 01.13.06 @ 3:17 pm

Maybe Marcel likes used tampons. There are people like that, or so I hear.

Comment by Flashman 01.13.06 @ 5:09 pm

Jennifer, that’s the last thing you want to give up. No one tells me what I can do with my pancreas; no one should be telling you what to do with your uterus- least of all, Marcel friggin’ White.

Flash, we can only wait and see. Marcel has yet to leave a postal addy for Suki’s next monthly shipment. I’ve suggested Suki stock up on Australia Post’s Big Red Express postpaks.

Comment by weezil 01.13.06 @ 5:24 pm

I’m also saving my sloughed off skin cells.

Anna is offering up some of her DNA as well…

Comment by suki 01.13.06 @ 6:10 pm

Rest easy Weezil — it was a reductio ad absurdum

Comment by Jennifer 01.15.06 @ 10:24 am

What a lot of fuss. I still struggle to understand how people can be so passionate in favor of the ending of innocent human life. It is sad.

A pro-life position does not reflect any need to be in control of other people’s bodies. I respect those of you who are antiwar, and anti-death penalty, because it inevitably involves an attack on human life. But we must espose a consistent ethic of life, by promoting love for our borthersw and sisters in the womb, in Iraq, in Sudan and in Singaporean jails.

Comment by Marcel White 01.16.06 @ 9:46 am

Marcel, you still don’t get it. You probably would if you were female or at very least didn’t think you were granted the divine right to instruct women on how to operate their body parts. Indeed, prior to birth, zygotes, embryos and foetii are all parts of a woman’s body, just the same as her liver or pancreas, and not even you are dumb enough to try to tell women what to do with those. You’re certainly entitled to your views- but you’re not entitled to force anyone to live by them.

Sucking up by citing my pet human rights causes will get you a whole lot of nowhere with me. Only your ego is so deficient that you need people to agree with you to validate your being. I’m betting you get damned little approval…

If you’re opposed to abortion- don’t have one- but never confuse your opposition to abortion with any sort of right to instruct others on the topic.

Comment by weezil 01.16.06 @ 9:50 am

I’m all for “promoting love for our borthersw”.

Indeed whatever they are, let them live, says I!

Comment by Jennifer 01.16.06 @ 2:25 pm

Ah. Let me illuminate for you the rich history of the borthersw. Around 1666 in Lower Typogracwz lived a band of intrepid, nomadic fundamentalist cloisters run by the famous preacher Oral McJorrity. These gypsies were popularly known as Oral’s Sects. They were identifed by their brightly decorated knee-pads, usually with the French word for ‘yes’ on each. These ‘oui knee pads’ are highly sought after and can occasionally be found on Bargain Hunt or Antiques Roadshow. Anyone who shows up new in town sporting fancy oui knee pads surely must be all about spreading the love, far, deep and wide. Through a cosmic intersection of poor typography and insufficient funds, the brothers of Oral’s Sects changed their name to ‘borthersw’ when they could not afford a re-print of a bad lot of business cards.

Comment by weezil 01.16.06 @ 3:07 pm

Thank you for that explanation. Borthersw sound too good to be true!

Do you think that if I gave $5 towards their labour (more than enough compensation, allowing for the inflation that has taken place since 1666), that I could get seventy or eighty of them to do some minor chores around my house?

Comment by Jennifer 01.17.06 @ 10:21 am

Sock it to em Suki. I love youse.
Poor Marcel thinks every sperm is sacred, consequently he suffers great inward pressure.
get married now son. have 10 kids and rejoice in them. buy em shoes.but please stay out of the lives of others. please?

Comment by Brownie 01.17.06 @ 6:23 pm

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