There’s more to your ABC
Tuesday February 27th 2007, 10:13 am

A new flag at Kirribilli House

…than merely great news and entertainment, free of advertising. Your ABC may just prove instrumental in recovering the nation from the 10 year grip of HoWARd.

Since Maxine’s announcement of her candidacy for HoWARd’s Bennelong seat, ABC has been playing the “Max Factor” in ‘heavy rotation,’ at almost every newsbreak and as a main topic of just about every news and current affairs program.

Maxine couldn’t buy in-depth media coverage like this- even if it were for sale.

Toady Abbott, Federal MP for Warringah, the electorate in which McKew presently resides, smirked cockily to the ABC about journalists’ proclivities for politics:

Govt questions McKew’s suitability as MP


Federal Health Minister Tony Abbott says he is surprised Ms McKew did not run against him in the Sydney seat of Warringah.

Mr Abbott also says journalists do not always make good politicians and Ms McKew will be seen as a blow-in in John Howard’s electorate.

“I’m sorry to be losing a constituent but she could have run against me in Warringah without leaving home,” he said.

“I’m just a little surprised if she feels the way she does, she hasn’t done just that.”

Father Tony ought to mind his hypocrisies. Before he was a politician…

Qualifications and Occupation before entering Federal Parliament

BEc, LLB (Syd), MA (Oxon).

Rhodes Scholar.


…he was a journalist, for The Bulletin of all things.

The Mad Monk should be thanking his lucky stars that McKew will run in Bennelong and not Warringah. Maxine would absolutely slaughter Abbott on women’s issues…

image: Ross Bateup for The Advertiser
image: Ross Bateup for The Advertiser

…as if he’s not having enough trouble there already.


(my toon ‘New Flag at Kirribilli House’ inspired by theHippy– thanks 🙂 )

10 Comments so far
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No, we can’t unseat the monk, Weez! I want to see him squirm in opposition. Let’s see if he walks into the chamber like he owns the place then. Perhaps if this happened, he’d find god again and go back to the Priesthood. Praise the Lord!

Comment by Dave 02.27.07 @ 1:02 pm

Halleujah, Tony Abbott for Warringah! Halleujah!

Comment by Colours 02.27.07 @ 1:11 pm

I wouldn’t miss Tony-o, as long as the ‘o’ is for ‘opposition.’ Mind you, the voters of Warringah may feel differently. 😉

Comment by weez 02.27.07 @ 5:41 pm

ohhh don’t provoke me into a long-winded rant and rave full of despair and desperation! hehehe

Actually… what am I on about? Bronny Bishop’s my ma’am!

Awwww gawd…*slips into a dark dark hole*

Comment by Colours 02.27.07 @ 8:39 pm

C, you think you got it bad? I lived in Bennelong for about 5 years… then I moved to Mitchell, where the Federal Member is- wait for it- Alan Bloody Cadman, he of ‘women getting pregnant willy-nilly‘ fame…

At least in our new electorate of Blue Mountains, in the upcoming NSW Parliamentary races, we will get to see Phil ‘Sun God’ Koperberg trounce the Lieberal’s absolutely featherweight candidate, Michael Paag.

Comment by weez 02.28.07 @ 5:34 am

Oh my, the Abbott seems to be going for the pot kettle championships lately. In the Herald today, he is saying how bad the Iemma government is and how it should be thrown out. But, as ever in Tony’s world, the standard cannot be applied to his own government. Have we ever seen a politician so pig-headed? I know they all are, and have to be. But the Abbott really takes the cake.

Comment by Dave 02.28.07 @ 8:10 am

Hey, how’s this all down to me? I was just setting fire to my new weez-inspired, sun-dried tomato-ponics kit. :o|

Comment by theHippy 03.01.07 @ 1:32 am

Hippy, you did ask for:

a teensy ABC flag fluttering over her Kirribilly House?

No problem!

Sun dried?! Crap, there’s where I’ve been going wrong…

Comment by weez 03.01.07 @ 4:50 am

Make it *semi*dried tomatoes and you’re on the right track.


Comment by Colours 03.01.07 @ 9:31 pm

Colours, after half a day curing in the smoke house. . . er, smoking in the cure . . . umm, makes you forget stuff. Like me and flags, or Abbott and his offspring. Thanks weez, I is flattered as all hell.

Comment by theHippy 03.02.07 @ 1:01 am

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