Our dear Suki finally got sick of all the nonsense involved in publishing on Blogger, like frequently losing several hours work when the Blogger FTP system fails. She’s set up a WordPress blog and has moved shop to her new home on machinegunkeyboard.com. There’s still a fair bit of free space left on my Gig in Texas.
When I moved off of Blogger, I didn’t mind leaving the old material on their system. Suki bravely has attempted importing her Blogger material to her new WordPress digs and found the process fraught with problems. If you’ve been able to move a year’s worth of material and comments smoothly from Blogger to WordPress, do let us in on the secrets.
If you haven’t read Suki before, you’re missing one of the best women’s issues bloggers in Australia. Suki is a mental health professional and thus has unique insights to politics and particularly to politicians.
Usually short & sweet in her posts, you can count on Suki to do the deeper analysis and to cut to the quick with her wry wit. When she does write longer essays, read carefully- she’s got something to say.
Hypocrites beware- Suki bites!
Welcome aboard, Suki.
7 Comments so far
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Thank you Weez, you must be my number one fan.
Do you also happen to like knitting and non-sensible shoes?
Suki, I could indeed be your number one fan.
I’m not overfond of knitting, but I do have a bit of a soft spot for sharknet stockings and bovver boots. 😉
Comment by weezil 09.25.05 @ 9:02 amWeez ? what’s the story on using WordPress and your hosting service ? I can see the benefits of being sort of with a family of serious bloggers (who have a sense of humour) … I am interested in exposing corruption and scams in business and the bollocks in politics – scattered with “personal interludes of whimsy” – also perhaps in a different demographic to many bloggers – oh yeah, sooooooooki’s site looks great.
Comment by Wilson Pharoah 09.25.05 @ 6:56 pmHi Wilson, thanks for the note. I’m right now determining just how much space Suki & I both need for images before I go throwing more WP installations on machinegunkeyboard.com. Will let you know!
Comment by weezil 09.26.05 @ 6:41 amSuki’s blog was one I hadn’t been to before and I’m sorry it’s taken so long. You’re a welcome addition to MGK and I’m looking forward to reading your comments.
Comment by JT 09.26.05 @ 1:36 pmHi again, JT. 🙂
You might drop in on Suki’s comments. While SHAO is now running on the machinegunkeyboard web server, it is still a completely independent blog. Suki wouldn’t see this unless she drops in on this comment thread.
Looks like we’ll be having several denizens of the mgk:powerhouse project. More on that later. 🙂
Comment by weezil 09.26.05 @ 2:24 pmDone, Weez.
Comment by JT 09.27.05 @ 11:04 amLeave a comment
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