Who has the skills?

September 11th, 2004

Brian Deegan wants Australia to talk to Jemaah Islamiah (JI).
This is a very good idea however, who, in Government, is skilled at listening and compromising?

What is needed is a high level political communicator

Alas, what we have is John "the flummoxer" Howard. How can we forget his mess attempting to delineate spicy soups and terrorist groups.

And then there’s Alexander Downer, who is just an idiot.

There is a third way. This could work!

The people of Mayo could vote in the Independent candidate – Brian Deegan. He’s a proven communicator. As an added bonus he brings credibility and passion for the job.
Australia gains a negotiator and loses an idiot!

Working hard is just so 80’s!

September 10th, 2004

Pru Goward is telling me that I have to work harder to help with the Australian economy.
No thank you.
I have worked hard
and now I am working less.
I much prefer working less.
I am happy to not buy the latest frock/SUV/Botox therapy.
I have Slung a hammock and am Swinging in the Sunshine of Spring in Sydney.

This shade of Red looks great on me.

September 8th, 2004

Three years ago the Australian Prime Minister made his move on asylum seekers.

The Norwegian cargo vessel, MV Tampa, had rescued 438 asylum seekers in waters off Christmas Island and wanted to land them on Australian shores.

Mr Howard blocked the ship. Labor’s leader Kim Beazley said nothing as heavily armed members of the SAS were sent aboard to occupy the ship.

Australian human rights groups, left wing political parties and trade unions responded angrily to the incident. Paddy Crumlin, from the Maritime Union of Australia pointed out that Howard had made it likely that ships’ captains might in future ignore the law of the sea and leave refugees to drown.

There, amoungst all the racist, fortress-Australia shrill was one lone Political voice. That voice was Greens’ Senator Bob Brown. His was the sweet resonance of justice and humanity. After being called a "traitor" by Conservative MP Peter Slipper and radio talkback "shock jocks", Senator Brown received death threats.

The Tampa case has highlighted the lengths to which a xenophobic government is prepared to go to maintain racial "purity".

I will not be still and quiet John Anderson, I will be loud and outraged and Very, Very, Very RED.

Just how gullible are we?

September 7th, 2004

There’s a redback on the toilet seat
so I turned it over and found a teat
I milked that spider until it was dry
found a vein and then got high

Short-term money market for dummies

September 7th, 2004

An extra payment to families gives the impression of more money.
Let me tell you as a recipient of Centrelink‘s money for the girlchild that this is not true.
There were/are only three types of payments.

  1. $600 for an already born child in June 2004
  2. $3000 for giving birth to a child after 01 July 2004
  3. $600 for having a child and completing a tax return for financial year 2003/2004 and having zero dollars debt to Centrelink. The debt is usually brought about by underestimating future earnings.

Now, we are led to believe that there is extra money.
The government has instructed Centrelink to hold off on the payment due to families upon completing their tax returns until sometime in September 2004.

Did you put my money on the short-term money market nihilistic Pete, did treasury come up a few thousand dollars?!

When it finally lands in my bank account, I will donate $300 to the Green candidate for Bennelong and $300 to the Green candidate for Higgins.