“Fuck off dogbreath”

August 30th, 2005

More details about Brogden’s view of women.

Mr Brogden said yesterday his actions were in jest and made towards a journalist he had known for years. But this was not the case with Angela Cuming, a journalist with The Sun-Herald, who was present when the party moved to the Marble Bar.
Cuming said she approached Mr Brogden and asked him about his election chances.

"He then stopped me … slipped one arm around the small of my back, leant down and said, ‘Enough of that. Are you available?’ I stumbled out some reply on the lines of, ‘No, I have a boyfriend, thanks very much.’"

Until women learn to say "Fuck off dogbreath" or "If it’s not 12 inches on the flop I’m not interested" (credited to my mate Moi) or "Like I want to see his willy" (credited to the girlchild’s friend Jasmine, aged 10, who was flashed at) then we as women will continue to have to politely thank boorish, powerful, sexually predatory men every day of every week.

Helena Carr understands a man like Brogden and her right to be treated with respect and will not accept an apology from him. Rightly so. A powerful, self-assured woman knows what she is worth and Helena is one such woman. She knows that the only way to deal with men such as Brogden is to shine a big bright spotlight on their behavior and name it up for what it is.

My girlchild will enter the professional workforce at the end of this year. She has been brought up to expect respect as a person and has been given permission to say all of the above. Knowing her, she will add a few more choice and appropriate lines.
Understand this is not about abuse for the sake of it. This about deconstructing a predator’s view of female and reminding them that a woman has a right to not be sexually harassed or assaulted.

"Well, he can ship his mail-order bride back on the boat." – Brogden

I’ll keep Helena Carr and ship off Brogden thanks.
Does Pittwater have a jetty?

Image from here

Brogden sorry he was caught

August 29th, 2005

When asked at his press conference whether the two (possibly more, Brogden couldn’t remember the second woman) had a case for sexual harassment against his actions he dismissed it as,

"They are acts that were meant in jest."

Clearly, the former leader does not understand what constitutes sexual harassment. He believes because he has known one of the women for a long time she would understand that he was joking. He says he is guilty of being too familiar, and of caring and engaging with people.

"I let some steam off, and clearly I let that steam off in a completely inappropriate manner after having about six beers over a three-hour period…it was the week of Bob Carr announcing he was resigning from politics."

Well, John Brogden, aren’t the arses of women up and down NSW now grateful and safe that they will not have to endure your belief in your right to a celebratory, sexually assaulting and harassing grope…or three.

Images from here

Add Sole and parent gets little respect

August 27th, 2005

Sole parent; such a loaded term.
Are they:

  1. women who try to trap men by becoming pregnant
  2. vilified because of their predatory behaviour
  3. sluts
  4. irresponsible
  5. widows
  6. widowers
  7. taking responsibility of a child/ren because the other parent won’t or can’t
  8. naive romantics
  9. to be supported and admired

This government is going to add indigent to the adjectives.

Sole parents are many things including intelligent, hardworking, resourceful and honest.
I used the Sole Parent Pension for six years and lived in public housing to undertake further study. Whilst in public housing I witnessed a murder that began as family violence. This murder started as yelling and pushing…I wonder if most do.
Most sole parents use Parenting Payment Single (PPS) as a short-term means to create regular income while they consider the rest of their life. This may involve re-partnering, further study or training. Most sole-parents work the maximum weekly hours to not affect their pension. Many more work cash-in-hand and are underpaid, exploited and often unsafe.
I guess I was luckier than most in that my boss said to us,

"I prefer hiring you single-mums, you’re desperate and not many bosses want you. I know you will show up for work ‘cos your babies get hungry."

"One-parent families are the fastest growing type of family in Australia. In 2001, there were 528,000 lone parents aged 18 years and over with dependent children. Of these, 88% (462,100) had no other adults (such as extended family members or members of a second family) resident in the household with them. In 2001, lone parents were predominately women (83%), and lone mothers tended to have younger children living with them than lone fathers. Around one-fifth (22%) of lone mothers had at least one child aged 0-4 years living with them, compared with one-tenth (9%) of lone fathers."

"The circumstances of lone parents differ to others in a range of areas of life. For example, in 2002, more lone parents aged 18 years and over (52%) relied on Government cash pensions and allowances as their principal source of income, than did all adults (22%). Consequently, lone parents were over-represented in the lower income groups, with 43% in the bottom quintile of equivalised household income and 30% in the second lowest quintile, compared with 20% and 19% of all adults."

"In 2001, 62% of lone parents aged 18 years and over rented their dwelling, compared with 25% of adults generally, and among renters proportionally more lone parents were renting from a State or Territory Housing Authority (31% compared with 17% of all renters). Relatively more lone parents felt unsafe or very unsafe at home alone after dark (19%) than adults in general (8%); and 34% of lone parents had been a victim of physical or threatened violence, or actual or attempted break in over the year prior to interview, compared with 18% of all adults." – ABS

Being a mother is only one part of my capabilities. It does not define me anymore than being Culturally And Linguistically Diverse (CALD) would. If you feel you know me, you can say you know a sole-parent.
Advocate for us.

Adding more poverty to the difficulty that sole parenting can be is beyond comprehension.
Creating a greater underclass of disaffected young people who often struggle with absent father syndrome is not in the interest of our communities.

I’m setting up a barter system for emergency childcare. Emergency being a loosely defined term…
Only sole parents need apply.

The bull-calf deposits at the sperm bank

August 25th, 2005

He’s young, it’s Spring and it was always going to happen.

Any decision that makes John HoWARd and Helen Coonan happy is worrying and HoWARdspeak will ensue.
Watch for the non-core promises to fall over…

"It’s hopefully…it’s a once in a political lifetime decision, because it’s such…it’s something that’s absolutely crucial in people’s lives, and you’ve got to give that all the respect it’s due. You just don’t want to be railroaded into a decision in Canberra, which you regret." -Barnaby Joyce.

Abbott’s sneaky agenda

August 23rd, 2005

A proposed Medicare item for pre-abortion counseling which is the brainchild of Federal Health Minister Mr. Tony Abbott is causing concern for some in the medical profession.
Gynaecologist and Obstetrician Dr Adrienne Freeman, who performs abortions, warned such an item would be an invasion of patient privacy because it would alert the HIC to the reason for the patient’s visit to a doctor.
Counseling was already catered for in the current system and an additional item would be an incentive to dissuade patients from having an abortion. Dr. Freeman believes,

“It’s another form of harassment.”

FPA Health medical director Dr Christine Read agrees that a pre-abortion counseling item would give GPs more time to discuss options with patients, but says it should not be made compulsory.

“Compulsory pre-abortion counseling is not something you would indicate was necessary, because it is coercive to some degree."

Katrina George from a lesser Women’s Forum Australia site glosses over the sneaky agenda of the Health Minister. Katrina ignores the privacy issue this proposal raises for already vulnerable women and asks us to believe in the goodwill of a Health minister who states

“I don’t think anyone, whether they’re pro-choice or pro-life, is happy about the vast numbers of abortions that currently take place in Australia, and I think as a society it ought to be possible to do better.”

Better according to Tony and Katrina is not more abortions. Better is clearly less abortions. Less abortions would mean more women continuing with a pregnancy.
Continuing a pregnancy in the context of pre-abortion counseling would necessarily involve a pro-life agenda at the expense of a woman’s right to choice.

Image from here
cross-posted at womens forum australia