More liberal dissent, I’m hoping for an epidemic!

February 9th, 2005

Petro Georgiou has called for a complete reassessment of the immigration system, specifically the way Australia treats Asylum seekers on people who hold TPV’s.

This is what Petro had to say,

"I believe in brief, that we need to release asylum seekers in detention, of whom there are only a couple of hundred, and who have passed health and security checks, into the community until their applications are processed. And I believe that thousands of genuine refugees, who have temporary protection visas, should be given permanent residence in a one-off amnesty."

Amanda Vanstone had something to say,

"Oh look, it’s a measure of the Liberal Party. People are entitled to have different views. We have people with different views. There are different views in the community. Hello? This is a free country. You’re entitled to a different view. I’m not going to lie on the floor and die like Louis the Fly because someone’s got a different view."

Kim Landers, Reporter:

"But you outright reject his call?"

Amanda Vanstone:


Now the image of our Amanda buzzzzzing around like a fly just has me running for the Mortein, however, because she came out on the side of pro-choice in the abortion debate I will blink on behalf of enemy and give the enemy a chance to retreat.

Amanda, take note of the humanity in Petro’s request, and understand that his is a widely held position and dismiss it out-of-hand at your peril.

Supersizing the Compassion combo…

January 28th, 2005

Today Kim stated a vision for the party. He says:

“We believe you can have a modern dynamic economy with compassion.”

Here’s my list Kim:

  1. Compassion for Iraqi civilians – Troops out.
  2. Compassion for scared pregnant women (young and old) when they seek termination services – expand access to Abortion services and the morning after pill.
  3. Compassion for the environment – Sign Kyoto.
  4. Compassion for Asylum seekers – welcome all with no need for TPV’s.
  5. Compassion for refugees – expand immigration.
  6. Compassion for freedom of speech – A Bill of Rights.
  7. Compassion for dissenting voices – repeal the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Legislation Amendment (Terrorism) Bill [No. 2] 2002 (“the ASIO bill”) and promote tolerance.
  8. Compassion for Medicare – embrace, fund and respect free public healthcare for all.
  9. As much compassion as a wealthy society such as Australia can provide to all it’s citizens – reinvigorate Public Housing, raise the dollars for pensions such as DSP, PPS and PPP.


Image from here

Amanda v. Andrew

December 20th, 2004

Our Amanda is concerned that kids and teenagers could be learning from a Member of Parliament that a hungerstrike is an acceptable form of protest.

Three points Amanda

  1. Kids and teenagers don’t know or care who Andrew Bartlett is (sorry Andrew).
  2. In recent years the 40-hour famine which was directed at kids and teenagers is steadily loosing popularity (sorry Tim).
  3. Childhood obesity figures in this country tells us that if kids and teenagers want to protest they are going to use other methods (sorry kids).

Have the honest discussion about the conditions faced by asylum seekers at the Baxter Detention Centre.

Agree to make the changes recommended by so many.

Do that and I am sure that Andrew (and many others) will be big and fat again real soon.

Pavlov’s dog

October 10th, 2004

I (and many others) saw through you John Winston Howard!

Starting on 12 September 2001, you (assisted by Blair and Bush) capitalised on the fear and shock of the events of the day before and through Classical Conditioning attempted to create a high level of anxiety for every Australian.
By October 2004, all you had to do was mention any of the diverse, radical, ‘other’ words such as:
Muslim, Asylum Seeker, Refugee, people who question why children are kept behind razorwire, Habib, Hicks, Hicks’ family, Brian Deegan, WMD’s, the UN, Human shields in Iraq, Australian Hostages in Iraq, Iraqi civilian casualties, Greenie, Leftie, Media Watch, ABC, SMH, Lesbian mother, Michael Moore, Phillip Adams, Mark Latham, Global warming, higher interest rates, young drivers, learner drivers, custodial parent, organic farmer, disabled person, ‘freelance’ anything, internet, adult pornography, Brazilian wax, mobile telephones with cameras, Terriers (it sounds like Terrorism when you are hyper-anxious)
and there was mass quivering on farms, in mortgage belts, in offices, in worksites, in the Public Service and in the homes around this country.

In the course of your training of the Australian public, the Conditioned Stimulus (CS), e.g. the words-old growth forest, were repeatedly presented together with the Unconditioned Stimulus (US), e.g. fear; eventually the voters form an association between the US and the CS.

Congratulations you bastard, you turned most of Australia into quivering, fearful lapdogs who were trained to react to you as their Protector.

You set it up, fed it well and exploited it for your own gain.

Read the Bloggisphere you insufferable manipulator…We are the future and we are all getting active…

Starting the deprogramming now….

NEXT patient please.

Perhaps if there was less wind…

October 5th, 2004

On Saturday, a very creative protest in Sydney would not have blown away.